Prashnottar Private Limited is pleased to shake hands with ICICI Bank for coming in terms with us in order to provide Integrated Payment Gateway thereby ensuring that we could provide a better ,faster and more secure payment method to our customers. Integrating payment technology within the organization would surely helpour business will make it possible to streamline operations.
Our clients do not have to worry anymore to manually enter transactions from one platform to another as Integrated payments provide greater accuracy and time saving mechanisms. With all your transactions in one place, reporting and reconciliation become a breeze. Integrated payments make relationship management, accounting, and payment processing all work seamlessly together.

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Why Payment Integration?

Every time we accept payments from our customers, there is a cost. Those costs are more obvious when dealing with paper-based payments. These costs are generally referred to as Transaction Fees.

Here is the place when Integrated Transaction come into action!!!

Integrated Payment Gateway helps in cutting down the transaction fees to a much lower amount than the one which is charged when payment is done with Integrated Payment Gateway.


1: Greator Accuracy

Integrated payments helps in error free entries of payments (Fewer errors mean fewer losses) which is not possible if entries are done manually:
• No more redundant entries.
• No more calculation mistakes.
• No more misplaced invoices.

2: Better Forecasting

When payment system isn’t integrated, then processing, accounting, and marketing all exist in separate silos.
When integrate these separate sections together, a greater visibility into finances can be acheived. .