Problem Statement Solutions

We, at Prashnottar understand the fact that it takes time to make a website fully functional as, with time new features are required to be added in a website so that it meets the needs of changing time and the requirements of people. We are always inclined towards providing you the best solutions to your problem statements.

We provide the facility of adding certain functionalities in some particular sections of your website as per your demand and needs. Problem statements can be regarding adding any particular functionality to an existing website in order to upgrade it. It can vary from adding a chatbot and subscription section to your website to changing the User Interface and User Experience of the website.

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How We do it?

Step 1: Understand the problem

You feel the lack of certain features in your website or your software or you require some updation in your current website?
You explain your problem statement to us.

Step 2: Best Possible Solution

After Listening to your problem statement, our experts research on the problem stated and comes up with the best possible solution combined with the best approach which will actually lead us to the solution.

Step 3: Quotation

Our team gets in touch with you and explains the complete solution , takes the necessary feedbacks and make required changes and final software , hence is created.

Step 4: Deadline

After Listening to your problem statement, our experts research on the problem stated and comes up with the best possible solution combined with the best approach which will actually lead us to the solution.

Step 5: Final Step

Once all the formalities along with the initial payment are done, the work is started upon the software and when complete, is delivered to you.

Employee management software

Do you struggle in managing the large amount of data of the employees working in your organization but still do not want a large and heavy software to do so? Dont Worry!! We are here to help you out . We will provide you with an Employee Management Software that could easily be integrated with your working software or your website. An employee Management software will help you maintain the sensitive data of employees into one organized and secure database.

 Self service

The software will enable the employee to do their own data entry while simultaneously limiting their access to sensitive company data .

 Error Free data

Since the work will no more be manual so the chance sof error occurring in the data is zero.

 Custamization of fields

With the changing time and hence the trend , the fields of the database can be easily modified by the admin.

Warehouse Management Software

If you want to integrate a Warehouse Management Software in your warehouse that takes care of some basic functionalities then we could help you with that. A warehouse management system (WMS) is a software application that helps control and manage the day-to-day operations in a warehouse. Nowadays, the breadth of WMS functionality can vary greatly, from basic best practices in pick, pack and ship functionality to sophisticated programs coordinating advanced interactions with material-handling devices and yard management.

 Reduction of errors

A warehouse management system can reduce the likelihood of errors that could occur when a product is shipped.

 Fulfill Orders rapidly

The system can also help a company fulfill orders more rapidly and instantaneously trace ordered products within the warehouse.

 Reduced Paper Work

It helps us achieve a paperless environment that directs employees automatically on the optimal picking, put-away and shipping of your products.